The Project

Our Proposals

We are proposing to develop a solar farm with a battery energy storage system and associated infrastructure on land west of Camblesforth and north of Hirst Courtney in North Yorkshire.

The proposal would generate a significant amount of energy each year of the proposed 40-year operational life, while also providing large CO2 savings when compared to generation of electricity by non-renewable sources, moving us closer to net zero.

In response to the feedback we received during our earlier consultation in 2022, we have developed a new Site Layout, which has reduced the overall footprint of the site (from 757 hectares to 476 hectares) and identified specific areas for landscaping and biodiversity net gain areas, helping screen the solar panels, encourage pollinators and improved local wildlife habitats.

Renewable Energy: The Helios Renewable Energy Project will make a significant contribution towards the UK Government’s legally binding target of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050.



Public Access: The scheme will be designed around existing public rights of way which will remain accessible during construction and operation. We have also identified opportunities to improve connectivity in the local area through the inclusion of a permissive footpath to link Camblesforth and Carlton.



Planting Proposals: Following feedback from the local community and review from our technical team we have identified areas of planting within the scheme which is designed to screen the development, minimise visual impact for the nearest residential properties and reinforce existing vegetation.



Soils: The project would represent a 40-year period in which the land can ‘rest’ and be maintained in accordance with a site-specific soil management plan to increase soil organic matter.





The proposal provides significant opportunities for wildlife through new biodiversity and habitat improvement areas and the enhancement of biological corridors throughout the site as a result of grassland creation, tree planting and new hedgerows. The proposed creation of diverse grasslands, tree planting and hedgerow planting will create new habitat opportunities for breeding, foraging and overwintering as well as refuge, for a range of species including birds, bats, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates. These interventions will have the additional benefit of improving biological connectivity throughout the site. The proposed plans will therefore deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).

Design Evolution - What have we changed?

A number of factors have contributed to the current layout of the solar panels. These include ensuring solar panels and associated equipment is set back from neighbouring properties, areas of ecological interest and public rights of way and utilities, feedback from the first phase of consultation and through engagement with landowners and known utility asset owners.

Some additional updates to the plans since our last consultation include:

  • Inclusion of buffers and offsets from residential houses to minimise impacts.
  • Nearly 300ha of new grassland created across the site. Over 10ha of new broad-leaved woodland to screen the development.
  • Enhanced public access to link Camblesforth and Carlton.
  • Reduction in land used from approximately 757ha to approximately 476ha.
  • Improvements to hedgerow field margins to help integrate the site within the landscape.
  • Confirmation of cable route connection corridor via underground cable to minimise disruption.

Want to find out more?

Click the image above to read the Consultation Summary Document.

Consultation Summary Document

We have a great deal of information about our proposals, which is all available for viewing/download from the Documents/FAQ page. This detail include a full Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), which sets out all of the work that has been undertaken as we prepared our updated plans.

This information is summarised in our Consultation Summary Document, which gives an overview of the changes that have been made to the plans, and signposts where to find the detailed information within the broader documentation. You can view or download the Consultation Summary Document by clicking the link below.